What's the difference between preschool and a childcare center?
A childcare center is generally a place where working parents can have their children cared for by professionals for most, or all, of the work day. Most childcare centers are able to start taking care of children as young as 3 months old, which also happens to be when most working moms have to be back on the job. Preschools, on the other hand, can be in session for as few as three hours a day and only a few days a week. While most (but not all) childcare centers don't have a specific education philosophy, most preschools do. Whether it's Montessori, Reggio, or Gesell, preschools usually focus their curriculum and activities with an overall goal for your child in mind.
Do you require vaccinations?
Members of DOPA require that each child enrolled be up to date on their immunizations. Each school requires proof of vaccinations on a yearly basis. A few of our members do allow for religious and/or medical exemptions, so it's best to ask the director when you are touring preschools.
Which school is right for my child?
Each child is different, and we know that a one-sized-fits-all approach to education isn't the best way for children to learn. Ideally, parents want to choose a school that works well with their child's learning style, fosters emotional and social growth, and is conveniently located in relation to their home. Each Director will be able to offer more information about their specific program, so make sure to ask questions that are important to you.
How do I find more information?
For more information about a specific school, please visit the school's linked website and contact the school's Director for more information.